Biden and Macron affirm commitment to Ukrain

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There are 3,506 news articles covering this topic.

34% (1,197) are left-leaning, 36% (1,260) are centrist, and 30% (1,049) are right-leaning.

On Thursday, Biden made remarks that he would be open to talking to Russia President Vladmir Putin about ending the war in Ukraine as a part of the united front by the United States and France. Left-leaning articles highlight that the two world leaders differed in their approaches to talking with Putin, while right-leaning articles highlight that Macron pointed out that the U.S.’s recent anti-inflation legislation risks western alliances by harming European companies.

USA Today published a centrist article reporting that at a White House press conference on Thursday, Biden emphasized the U.S. and France’s solidarity in their outrage over the atrocities in war occurring in Ukraine. Biden also stated that he would be open  to having talks with Putin about ending the war in Ukraine if the Russian leader was willing. The article also highlighted Macron’s trip to the United States, which included a state dinner hosted on the White House lawn.

A left-leaning article by CNN highlighted that the two leaders diverged in their approaches to speaking with Putin about the war in Ukraine. Biden expressed that he would only talk to Putin about discussions of ending the war. Macron said at the press conference that he would speak to Putin once Ukraine set its terms of negotiation for a peace agreement, adding that the U.S.’s support is crucial for Ukrainians and the rest of the world.

A right-leaning article by Fox News highlighted that Macron made statements on Wednesday that the U.S.’s Inflation Reduction Act, which prioritizes America-made technology and products, risks fragmenting the West by hurting European companies. It also highlighted that Biden said the U.S. does not apologize but conceded that changes may need to be made to the legislation.


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