Nobias is sponsoring its second Annual Nobias Intercollegiate Investment Challenge, a 3-month competition in which college investment clubs from universities across the country will use Nobias tools to generate the highest earning portfolio and compete to win $5,000. The competition will run from January 16 to April 14, 2023. Register before January 15, 2022.

Teams will use the Nobias College Portal to monitor their portfolio, assess best market insights, and update their portfolio daily. Each team will have a $1 million notional amount to invest during the 3 month challenge, and the team that generates the highest return on their portfolio will win $5,000 with second and third prizes of $2,500 and $1,000 respectively. Below are guidelines for the competition.

While enrolled, students enjoy free access to the Nobias Team Plan, which gives you access to Nobias Finance and the competition dashboard.

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Guidelines and Procedures


  • Registration: November 1, 2022 - January 15th 2023

  • Competition: January 16th, 2023 - April 14th, 2023

Timeline & Deadlines

  • Jan 10: Registration deadline

  • Jan 15: Team account set-up deadline

  • Jan 16: Competition start: initialize investment portfolio 

  • April 14: End of competition (4pm EST)

  • April 16: Winners announced

  • April 20-30: Prizes distribution at University

Prize pool: $8,500, sponsored by Nobias

  • First place: $5,000

  • Second place: $2,500

  • Third place: $1,500

Team Guidelines

  1. Eligible institutions may be:

    1. Domestic (U.S.) or International

    2. Undergraduate or Graduate

  2. Each participating institution can enter at most 5 teams

  3. The number of students on a team must be at least 2.

  4. The deadline for setting up team account is January 15th (4pm EST)

Portfolio Guidelines

  1. Students should determine investments and allocation of their portfolio, and set the initial composition of their portfolio on their Nobias Finance portal by January 15th (4pm EST)

  2. The portfolio must include an allocation of $1 million across stocks and cash

  3. Each team must invest their portfolio in a maximum of twenty stocks / ETFs and the portfolio must be diversified across industry sectors. Maximum exposure in any sector is limited to 40% of the portfolio. Diversification across investment categories (growth, value), and capitalization is encouraged but not monitored. 

  4. The stocks and ETFs must be traded on one of the major U.S. exchanges: NYSE or NASDAQ. Foreign issuers are permitted provided they issue ADRs that trade on the major exchanges. 

  5. At the time of investment, each stock holding cannot exceed 25% of the portfolio.

  6. No leveraged ETFs are permitted. ie. any ETFs in this list is excluded.

  7. No inverse ETFs are permitted. ie. any ETFs in this list is excluded.

  8. Team members are expected to avoid stocks or ETFs in which they have insider information (e.g., a parent is a CEO).

  9. Dividends are factored into the total portfolio value

  10. Daily rebalancing/investing is allowed with a fixed transaction cost of 0.001% for each day that the portfolio is changed (= charge of approx. $10 per day that the portfolio is changed).

  11. Results will be updated daily on the Nobias Finance competition page. It is the responsibility of the team captain to verify these values and statistics.

  12. Students are allowed to make changes to the portfolio once a day during the competition period. Any portfolio changes will go into effect at 4pm EST. If changes are not made by 4pm EST, the portfolio will remain the same for the next day. Only the last change made to the portfolio before 4pm EST will be applied.